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How to Use Retinol: Is it Important for Your Skin?

How to Use Retinol: Is it Important for Your Skin?

What does Retinol do | How to Use Retinol | Benefits of Retinol for Skin Health | What Does Retinol Do to Skin: Key takeaways

Retinol is the new rage in the skincare industry - it’s the one skincare solution that people simply can’t get enough of. According to a report published by Grand View Research, it was highlighted that the global market size for retinol was at USD 1.33 billion and is expected to grow from 2023 to 2030 at a CAGR of 3.8%. Retinol is a form of vitamin A that is known to have a miraculous impact on the skin.

What does retinol do to skin, you ask? Well, it helps fight acne and skin pigmentation, helps smoothen out the creases and wrinkles on your body and also helps in protecting your skin from sun damage. And here’s the added bonus: including retinol in your basic skincare routine also has tremendous anti-ageing benefits.

This humble solution has a multitude of positives, but it is also important to know how to use retinol. Some of the side effects of retinol on the face include skin breakage, dryness and peeling. It could especially trouble those with sensitive skin, so it’s best to consult a skin care professional on how to use retinol and how you can add it to your skincare routine.

Retinol comes in the form of creams and serums but is also naturally found in dairy products such as butter, cheese and milk and is also found in meat.

How to use retinol? What is retinol cream used for? Is it good for acne? Does it have any major side effects? Let’s find out.

What does Retinol do?

What does retinol do for your skin? Well, retinol has two major functions: (i) it clears out the pores in your skin, which prevents acne breakouts, and (ii) it increases collagen production, which in turn gives your skin a fresh look and makes you look younger.

The reason retinol is so popular now is that it offers a solution to a host of skincare issues. It not only helps in preventing acne and skin irritations but also boosts the skin at the cell level and helps in the rapid growth of collagen, which reduces the scope of wrinkles and lines on the skin and keeps you looking forever fresh.

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How to Use Retinol?

Now that we know what retinol does to skin and what is retinol used for, let’s delve into the most important aspect: how to use retinol

Here are some pointers on adding retinol to your basic skincare routine -

  1. Start Slow: Retinol may not suit everyone’s face. Is retinol good for acne? It sure is, but it may cause slight skin irritation for some people. So it’s best to start with products that have a low concentration of retinol, around 0.2%.

  2. Apply on Alternate Days: You can begin using a pea-sized amount of retinol, which is among the best nutrients for skin, on alternate days and see how your skin reacts. If your skin feels good and there’s no irritation, then you can use it more frequently. You can also opt for a combination of hyaluronic acid and retinol to reduce any irritation that may arise from the use of retinol.

  3. Wash your Face before Using Retinol: Washing your face with a mild face wash 30 minutes before applying retinol skin care creams will clear your skin of any dust particles and ensure the retinol is fully absorbed into your skin.

  4. Use Retinol at Night: Retinol is among the most-needed nutrients for skin and using it at night is a great option to help in the complete absorption of the cream/serum.

  5. Moisturize: It’s best practice to moisturize before, after or even a combination of both when you use retinol skin care products. You can also follow this up with an SPF-30 sunscreen to give your skin all the protection it needs.

Check out the Co Being’s Fix The Night cream for a complete retinol fix!

Benefits of Retinol for Skin Health

Having seen how to use retinol and what retinol cream is used for, let’s look at the various benefits of this skincare solution.

  1. Anti-ageing Properties: What is retinol cream used for? To make you look young! Retinol’s biggest benefit is that it fights the properties of ageing and reduces the the onset of wrinkles and lines on the face. Regular use of retinol helps combat the loosening of the skin, helps in treating pigmentation and keeps your skin soft and fresh.

  2. Prevents Acne Breakouts: If you’re still unclear on what does retinol do to your skin, then here’s the answer in a nutshell: it clears the pores in your skin and removes all the buildup of sweat and dirt in your skin. Acne is largely caused by clogged pores, and now that your pores are clean of dirt and sweat, your chances of getting acne breakouts reduce largely. You can stop wondering ‘Is retinol good for acne’ because it not only helps in avoiding acne but is also useful in treating acne scars.

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What Does Retinol do to Skin: Key Takeaways

Retinol is a must-have in your skincare routine. It is a form of vitamin A that gives your skin a new lease of life. What does retinol do for your skin? It keeps it fresh, clears your pores, reduces acne, increases the production of collagen and has tremendous anti-ageing properties.

You should consult a dermatologist on how to use retinol for your skin and start with a cream/serum that has a low concentration of retinol. Once you feel your skin is reacting well to it, you can increase the frequency of usage. Ensure you do not over-use retinol because some of the side effects of retinol on the face include skin irritability, dryness, redness and breakage.

It’s best practice to use a moisturizer and sunscreen along with retinol. You could also try a combination of hyaluronic acid and retinol to reduce any irritation that may arise from the use of retinol.

Some retinol benefits for the skin include anti-ageing, arresting the onset of wrinkles and lines on the face and also putting a full stop to acne.

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