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How Iron Supplements Bridging the Nutritional Gap for Better Health?

How Iron Supplements Bridging the Nutritional Gap for Better Health?

Picture this: You have been diligently following a balanced diet, loading your plate with nutrient-rich foods, and striving to live a healthy lifestyle. Yet, there might still be an essential piece missing from your nutritional puzzle – Iron. Iron, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in maintaining our well-being. It’s the unsung hero behind your energy, vitality, and overall mental health. But why is iron so crucial , and when does it become necessary to turn to supplements to bridge the gap? In this blog, we’ll uncover the fascinating science of iron, its vital functions in your body, and the signs that might indicate that you’re running low on this essential mineral. Beyond diet alone, we’ll discuss the role of iron supplements as your secret weapon to fill the nutritional gaps and supercharge your vitality. 

First and foremost, iron is a critical component of haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to different tissues in the body. Insufficient iron levels can lead to a deficiency of red blood cells, resulting in fatigue and reduced oxygen delivery. Additionally, iron is a key part of myoglobin, a protein primarily located in muscle tissues, where it helps store and transport oxygen.

Moreover, iron is essential for supporting normal brain development in children. It also plays a pivotal role in the production and functioning of various cells and hormones throughout the body, impacting overall health.

Dietary sources provide iron in two forms: heme and non-heme. Heme iron is exclusively found in animal-derived products like meat, poultry, and seafood. In contrast, non-heme iron is present in plant-based foods such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy greens. It's worth noting that non-heme iron can also be found in some animal products because animals consume plant-based foods containing non-heme iron, and it is sometimes added to fortified foods.

To ensure a steady supply of iron for bodily functions, the body stores iron as ferritin in several locations, including the liver, spleen, muscle tissue, and bone marrow. Iron is transported throughout the body by transferrin, a blood protein that binds to iron molecules, facilitating their distribution (Source). 

Here are few conditions, which require iron supplements

1. Preventing Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency is a common nutritional deficiency worldwide and can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Anemia occurs when there are not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to body tissues. Iron supplements can help prevent and treat this condition, alleviating symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and paleness.

2. Increased Dietary Requirements

Certain groups, including pregnant women, growing children, and menstruating women, have elevated iron needs that may be difficult to fulfill solely through dietary intake. Iron supplements can play a crucial role in meeting these increased requirements, promoting healthy growth and development.

The Co Being Green Matters - The potent blend of veggies, greens, fruits and adaptogens helps to boost your immunity, increase your metabolism and gives energy throughout the day.

3. Improved Energy Levels

Iron is essential for energy production because it helps transport oxygen to cells. Iron supplements can boost energy levels, reducing fatigue and improving overall vitality, which can be especially beneficial for people with iron deficiency.

4. Enhanced Cognitive Function

Iron is a vital mineral contributing to cognitive function and brain development. Insufficient iron intake may lead to cognitive impairments, particularly in children and older adults. The supplementation of iron can effectively enhance cognitive function in individuals with iron deficiency.

5. Support for Athletes

Athletes, particularly endurance athletes, may have higher iron needs due to increased red blood cell production and iron losses through sweat. Iron supplements can help maintain optimal athletic performance and prevent exercise-induced anemia.

6. Iron Absorption

The body's capacity to absorb iron from dietary sources can differ significantly. Heme iron found in animal-based foods is more readily absorbed compared to non-heme iron from plant sources. Enhancing iron absorption can be achieved with the assistance of vitamin C, while certain dietary elements like phytates and tannins can hinder this process. For a more predictable and efficient iron source, iron supplements are available.

The Co Being Got Gutzy - The unique blend of herbs and enzymes helps in enhanced gut function and helps in good absorption of nutrients from the foods.

7. Management of Chronic Health Conditions

Some medical conditions, such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and certain types of anemia, can impair iron absorption or increase iron losses. Healthcare providers recommend iron supplements to manage these conditions and prevent complications.

8. Iron-Rich Foods Alone May Not Suffice

While consuming a diet abundant in iron-rich foods is beneficial, it's important to recognise that adequate iron absorption is not always guaranteed. Various factors, such as deficiencies in essential nutrients like Vitamin D3 or Vitamin B12, digestive disorders, or the use of certain medications, can hinder the body's ability to absorb iron effectively. In situations, the use of iron supplements may become necessary to address the shortfall.

9. Considerations for Vegetarians and Vegans

People following a vegetarian or vegan diet may be at a higher risk of iron deficiency owing to the decreased absorption efficiency of non-heme iron from plant-based sources. To mitigate this risk, it is advisable to consider options such as iron supplements or strategic dietary choices that incorporate iron-rich plant foods and enhancers of iron absorption.

The daily recommended dose of iron 

  1. Adult men - 19-50 yrs - 8mg
  2. Teen girls 14 - 18 yrs - 15mg
  3. Women in the age of 19- 50yrs - 18mg
  4. Women above 51 yrs - 8mg

The Co Being GummyHugs of Iron++ - The proven blend of iron salt sodium feredetate with Vitamin C & B vitamins helps in cellular health and boosts energy levels in the body.

Key Takeaway

  1. Iron supplements are essential for addressing iron deficiencies and promoting optimal health in various situations. They can prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia, support increased dietary requirements, boost energy levels, enhance cognitive function, aid athletes in maintaining performance, and manage chronic health conditions. 
  2. Iron supplements also provide a predictable source of iron absorption, particularly important for those with absorption issues or following vegetarian or vegan diets. 
  3. Consult your healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective supplementation, as excessive iron intake can have adverse effects.

For further guidance on choosing the right iron supplements to keep healthy, Book your FREE CONSULTATION with our Expert Dr! or WhatsApp us on +91 9500775666 to schedule your consultation right away!

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