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Tooth-healthy Food: Nutrition Necessary for a Confident Smile

Tooth-healthy Food: Nutrition Necessary for a Confident Smile

Food Good for Teeth | 6 Easy Ways to Maintain Oral Health and Hygiene | Vitamins for Strong Teeth | Supplements to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums | FAQs

You’ve probably heard of the saying “a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.” And it’s absolutely true - flashing your pearly whites in a wide smile is a sign of confidence and a thing of beauty.

Our smiles, or rather our teeth, are among the first things people notice about us during a conversation. Those 32 wondrous teeth (unless you got your molars pulled out!) help us in chewing and digesting food along with shaping our faces. Our teeth also help us speak clearly, making them all the more important in our daily lives.

Over and above their physical functions, a good set of teeth also go a long way in boosting one’s confidence. It makes us feel better and improves our social life and outlook towards life.

That being said, eating too many sugary foods, drinking tonnes of aerated beverages and not maintaining good oral hygiene can cause your teeth to decay in quick time. Sugary foods such as chocolates and sweets cause tooth decay and gum infections, aerated drinks lead to enamel erosion and uneven teeth and poor oral health care results in a mouth riddled with issues. According to the WHO, untreated cavities are the most prevalent health condition globally, affecting 2.4 billion people, or one-third of the world's population. This highlights the need for proper nutrition and oral hygiene practices to prevent tooth decay and maintain good oral health.

That’s when eating tooth-healthy food such as fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water and maintaining proper oral health and hygiene come into play. Some of the best foods good for teeth include apples, spinach, pears, almonds, lettuce, broccoli, berries, kiwis, milk and yoghurt.

Along with eating tooth-healthy food, there are also some tiny lifestyle changes you can make to improve your oral health and hygiene. On the top of that list would be to avoid smoking and chewing tobacco. Smoking and tobacco in general cause severe damage to the gums and can lead to a host of problems. Tobacco also stains your teeth, which could lead to long-term discolouration.

Much like smoking, beverages such as coffee and tea also stain the teeth. While these usually can be scrubbed off by your dentist, long-term exposure to caffeine might cause staining in the enamel. Try opting for a straw when you’re having caffeinated and aerated beverages to keep your teeth and gums in good health.

Food Good for Teeth: Learn What to Eat and What not to

As the age-old saying goes, you are what you eat. An extension of that is that the quality of your teeth is a result of what you eat. Eating fresh food, which are foods that strengthen teeth, and steering clear of processed foods is the way to go. What are some tooth-healthy foods, you ask? Let’s take a look:

1. Apples 

Apples, of course! Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Well, the jury's still out on that one but apples are one of the best examples of food good for teeth. Biting into an apple helps clean your teeth and also strengthens your gums. Chewing the fibrous texture of an apple keeps your gum in action and also helps stimulate saliva, which is great for your oral health and hygiene.

2. Spinach

These leafy greens are packed with antioxidants and are super tooth-healthy foods. They may get stuck in your teeth and make you floss a little bit more, but that also indirectly helps in cleaning your teeth and gums. Plus, they have a bunch of vital minerals and vitamins to keep your pearly whites in top shape.


An excellent source of Vitamin C, kiwis are great for healthy teeth and gums. They help fight tooth decay by boosting the immunity levels in the body and the bacteria in the mouth. These fruits are foods good for teeth and gums.

4. Nuts

A handful of nuts is not only a healthy snack option but is also among the best food for teeth. Nuts such as peanuts are loaded with calcium, while the likes of almonds and cashews aid in saliva production and fight bacteria to prevent tooth decay. Nuts are very useful food for strong teeth and gums.

Now that we know some of the tooth-healthy foods, let’s take a look at what kind of foods you must avoid to ensure that your oral hygiene is on point.

1. Tobacco

In any form, whether in the form of chewable tobacco or cigarettes, tobacco harms every organ in your body. And it has a detrimental impact on your oral hygiene as it stains the teeth and drastically increases the risk of gum infections. Stay as far away from tobacco as you can.

2. Caffeinated Beverages

We all crave that one cuppa in the morning for an instant dose of energy, but caffeinated drinks also harm our teeth. The dark colour of coffee or tea can lead to discolouration of teeth, which doesn’t paint a pretty picture. You don’t need to completely cut out caffeine, because it does have a host of benefits as well, but try to limit the number of cups of coffee or tea you have in a day and rinse your mouth post that to reduce the chance of teeth staining.

3. Sugary Foods

Chocolates, candy, ice-creams, doughnuts…all super tasty foods but not the best options of food for strong teeth and gums. These sugary foods promote the development of bacteria in the mouth which then leads to cavities, gum infections and numerous visits to the dentist. Don’t completely cut them out, but do restrict your consumption of such food.

6 Easy Ways to Maintain Oral Health and Hygiene

Achieving that perfect smile and a healthy set of teeth and gums requires a fair bit of effort. From brushing twice a day to eating tooth-healthy food and regular check-ups with the dentist, here are six easy ways to maintain oral health and hygiene:

1. Brush Twice a Day and Before Bed

This is sacrosanct. Brushing upon waking up and once before going to bed is the simple magic for good oral health and hygiene. Make sure you pick a brush that suits your teeth, choose a toothpaste that has fluoride in it and brush each and every tooth in your mouth. Brushing at night will help kill all the bacteria in your mouth and is a basic step in your oral health care plan.

2. Clean your Tongue

Once you’re done brushing your teeth, also make it a point to clean your tongue. Plaque builds up on the tongue and it’s best that you either gently brush your tongue or use a tongue cleaner to make it look pink again. A clean tongue helps avoid mouth odour and promotes good oral health and hygiene.

3. Floss

Flossing is another important part of your oral health care plan. It’s a bit of a tedious process but an essential one as it removes the particles stuck in between your teeth. Flossing also stimulates the gums and gets rid of plaque, making it a must to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Getting enough water is an easy trick to maintain oral health and hygiene. Water helps remove the particles stuck between the teeth and also cleanses the mouth after a meal. Water is necessary not only for healthy teeth and gums but also for your overall well-being.

5. Maintain a Good Diet

Eating food good for teeth is half the job done. Ensure your diet includes a variety of fruits and vegetables along with dairy products, meat and nuts. As much as possible, limit your aerated and caffeinated beverages and load up on the foods that strengthen teeth.

6. Visit your Dentist Periodically

A visit to the dentist can be daunting, but regular check-ups are advisable to ensure you have healthy teeth and gums and identify any potential infections. Try to visit your dentist at least twice a year and get their tips on oral health care.

Vitamins for Strong Teeth: Nutrients Essential for Oral Health Care

Having looked at the different tooth-healthy foods and six easy ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums, let’s delve into the vitamins for strong teeth. Our body requires a host of vitamins for it to function normally and we derive these from the different varieties of food we eat.

However, are there particular vitamins for strong teeth? There sure are - let’s look at some of the nutrients you need to ensure you have good oral hygiene:

1. Calcium

We’ve all grown up hearing about how big a role calcium plays in the strength of our bones and teeth. Calcium is known to reduce the rate of bone loss, which could also help in keeping your teeth intact for longer. Calcium foods good for teeth include milk, yoghurt, nuts, tofu and leafy green vegetables.

If you find it difficult to source your calcium requirements from your regular diet, try out The Co Being’s Calcium and D3 gummy hugs.

2. Vitamin C

When it comes to tooth-healthy food, Vitamin C is a must. It helps in keeping the gums strong, reduces the risk of gum infections and helps avoid bleeding gums. Let’s face it, biting into an apple and seeing blood on it is anything but a pleasant sight. Getting enough Vitamin C, from various sources like oranges, grapefruits, lemons and bell peppers helps improve your gum health.

3. Vitamin D

Another key component in ensuring healthy teeth and gums, Vitamin D works alongside the calcium in your body to fortify your teeth and gums. People with vitamin D deficiencies are more prone to gum diseases, which lead to bad oral hygiene. Some of the common vitamin D-rich food for strong teeth include plant-based milk, mushrooms, eggs and seafood.

4. Phosphorus

Phosphorus helps the body in absorbing calcium and thereby helps strengthen the teeth. It is one of the important vitamins for strong teeth as it also aids in rebuilding the enamel, which is the outermost layer of your teeth. Sources of phosphorus include whole grains, eggs, meat and milk.

Supplements to Maintain Healthy Teeth and Gums

Along with food for strong teeth, you could also opt for supplements to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you’re looking for an instant fix, The Co Being’s Oral Hygiene eMist spray is a blend of potent ingredients like clove, ginger and fennel that offers tooth nerve pain relieve.

Here are some options for supplements which help maintain oral health and hygiene:

1. Zinc

Zinc plays a crucial role in our overall health and largely improves oral health. Zinc protects the gums and prevents the onset of periodontal disease.

2. Omega-3

These are essential sources of good fats and also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They help in reducing plaque levels in the mouth and protect the teeth and gums from decay. The Co Being’s FLAX MAX capsules, enriched with Omega 3-6-9, are an excellent choice for anti-inflammatory purposes.

3. Green Tea

Whether you sip it, or use the powder or a green tea-flavoured toothpaste, it’s a great supplement to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Green tea restricts the bacteria growth in the mouth and also helps in healing bleeding gums.

Sourcing these ingredients or sticking to healthy diets can sometimes be a hassle, so how do we ensure that our dental hygiene is still rock solid in its place? Well, that’s where The Co Being can be your greatest ally! Try out our oral health combo to ensure that you procure the right amount of nutrients in a safe manner and maintain healthy teeth and gums.

So Go Ahead and Explore All That The Co Being has to offer for your Wellness Needs!

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Tooth-healthy Food

Q: What are some of the best tooth-healthy foods?

A: Some of the best tooth-healthy foods include fresh fruits like apples, oranges and kiwis, vegetables such as broccoli and leafy greens such as spinach and nuts like almonds and peanuts. Additionally, dairy products like milk and yoghurt and meat are also foods good for teeth and gums.

Q: What are some tips to maintain oral health and hygiene?

A: The easy ways to maintain oral health and hygiene include brushing twice a day, flossing, cleaning the tongue, eating the best food for teeth, drinking enough water and making regular visits to a dentist.

Q: What are things to avoid for proper oral health care?

A: Some of the things to avoid for good oral hygiene include tobacco, sugary, caffeinated drinks and aerated beverages. These have a negative impact on your oral health care and increase the chances of infection.

Q: Are there any essential vitamins for oral health care?

A: Along with food good for teeth, there are some good vitamins for strong teeth, such as vitamin C, calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus. The Co Being’s Immunity Gummyhugs are a perfect source of Vitamin C, along with Zinc, providing anti-inflammatory properties.

Q: Do I need supplements to maintain healthy teeth and gums?

A: Supplements, when taken along with food for strong teeth and gums, can help in boosting your oral health and keep your teeth and gums strong. Supplements, such as the Oral Hygiene range from The Co Being, promote oral health and hygiene.

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